Source Capture Exhaust / Welding Fume Extraction / Commercial Air Purification

Unlike any Large, Industrial HVLS Ceiling Fan You’ve Ever Seen

Patterson Fan Company has released their new High-5 series, 5 Blade High Volume Ceiling Fan, and their gearless V-series.  Having drawn on over 4 decades of facility cooling and air-movement problem solving, Patterson has developed a High Volume Low Speed (HVLS) ceiling fans that are truly “User Friendly”. With over a year in development, Patterson has created the first fan with a Modular Design.  Patterson Engineers designed a new Motor/Gearbox assembly that reduces the stress on the gearbox and is easy to service.

This new 5 blade fan, and V series designs not only provides easier maintenance and service, but the unique Double Chain Drivetrain has removed the entire downward axial load from the gearbox and places it directly on the HEAVY DUTY housing structure.  The gearbox no longer supports the weight of the hub and blades, therefore relieving stress on the gearbox, a major point of failure in other designs.

  • Air Cleaning Systems, Inc (ACS) is a full service provider with available installation options available upon request
  • Industrial-Grade: motor and gearbox
  • 5 Blades: contoured for maximum air movement
  • Dihedral V-shaped Design: blades angled up 7° allow coverage to a wider area
  • Safety System: multiple tiers of protection perfect for the rough industrial environment
  • Modular Components: service can be easily performed on a mounted fan.
  • Wingtips and Flaps: produce more CFM at a lower RPM and direct airflow downward
  • Custom Ground Helical-Cut Gears: quiet and durable operation
  • Double Lip Seals: prevent any potential oil leakage
  • Vented and Lubricated for Life: premium grade lubricant designed for gears operating under severe temperature and load conditions
  • Sound: < 42 decibels – ideal for environments with sounds concerns
  • Environment: IP66 VFD and IP54 motor – rated for indoor/outdoor covered spaces